How to Contact Your Child

The best way to communicate with participants is by mail

You can send mail to your child to this address:

Northwaters & Langskib
℅ Participant Name
Bear Island Post Office
Temagami , ON  P0H 1C0

It is a huge thrill to receive a letter at base camp. Please post letters WEEKS in advance to ensure they reach participants before the end of a program.

Cell phone service is not available at our base camps.

During programs, a satellite communications system makes directors available to staff in the field 24/7.

Please keep in mind: We live in a world that expects, often demands, instant communication. A key benefit of our backcountry canoe program is the removal of distractions in order to focus on the experience at hand. Except for emergencies, participants’ sole connection with the outside world is via regular mail service.

Closeup of brown wood mushroom

“The River made me realize how much potential I have in working hard and getting through the toughest of problems.”

- Sergey The Bay Trip

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