Parent Testimonials

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What our first timers are saying about Northwaters and Langskib …

“I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks to everyone for making Brendan’s Excalibur trip so wonderful.  He talked nonstop from the time I met him at the Airport till we pulled in the driveway at home 7 hours later (and then he started all over for his dad and brother)!  But what I have to say made everything really come to life for us were the wonderful pictures – both from the basecamp which were emailed to us at the beginning of the trip and the pictures on his camera.  Brendan is a pretty terrific kid but he came home from Langskib even better!  Thanks again to all at Langskib – Brendan can’t wait for next summer.”

Love, The C Clan (1st year participant in our 2 week all boys’ program, age 12)

“Thank you soooo much for everything you have done for my little man and for me. Nate has had nothing but amazing things to say about his awesome adventure in the Temagami Wilderness, and it sure has been quite the experience for me too. He is so proud of himself for overcoming his fears and just letting Mother Nature take care of him, although I have to give you credit for doing such a great job as well.”

xo, Bree Ann. (1st year participant in our 3.5 week all boys’ program, age 11)

“First a big THANK YOU to you all.  Meg had an amazing time and got everything we hoped for and more out of her time in Temagami.  Michael and I are very appreciative of the hard work, the integrity and the excellence of your program.  We are loving Meg’s stories, she has clearly found a new sense of herself and her potential.  She is very proud of herself!  She told me she spent a lot of time thinking on those portages. I know we have only heard the tip of the ice berg about where her thoughts led her, but what is showing up so far is that she knows she can do more than she thought she could, she can face difficult situations and find the lessons and she can have fun even when the going gets tough!  We now have a new phrase in our house for challenges “it’s just another portage”.”

Katy K (1st year female participant in our 3.5 week co-ed program, age 16)

“Henry had the kind of experience with you that we hoped he would have … and much much more. Marshal and Laura seem to have been extraordinary leaders.  Henry was appreciative of many of the lessons they taught and/or modeled throughout the journey.  He loved the challenge, and understood the support that everyone needs from time to time. He was impressed by the level of teamwork necessary, and talked about the importance of being able to carry your load.

He came back confident, realizing the difference between spending one’s day doing things that “other people” think are important (i.e. school), and spending a meaningful day engaged in work that has a direct bearing on your survival in the short and long term.  He found a zen kind of focus there that he has a hard time finding in his city life.  We’ll be thinking this year about how to change his life in NYC to incorporate these spirit-sustaining discoveries.

Henry loved the intellectual life on the trail as well.  The conversations were often hilarious, but created perspective on basic things people don’t often talk about, like basic bodily functions, modesty, etc. Other conversations posed question about life, that we don’t often make time for. When we gave Henry back his cell phone, he found that it needed charging.  We noticed that he didn’t bother to charge it for a week.  Maybe he still hasn’t.   Instead, we continued the Northwaters conversations in the car.

Henry came back a new man.”

Ellie C- (Henry’s mom, first-year participant in co-ed Northwaters trip, age 14)

And now a few words from our returning participants…

“Wanted to share with you that he had the most wonderful, fabulous time. It’s life changing for him.  Thank you for all of your efforts. Max talks all about the guys leading it (Eric Miller and  Ryan Sablosky)and the entire experience. Blessings and deep gratitude.”

Susan M- (Max’s mom, a Langskib participant 2009-2011)


“Thank you again for all that you do – you guys have an amazing program and the boys and I are so grateful for it. It’s incredible to see what my boys have learned in the summers-I would say it is more like this thing that permeates their very being-I can see the strong and upright men that they are becoming. There are times when one or the other is struggling with something in life and I swear I can watch them gather themselves up again in a way that I never taught them to do- I can see them tap into this thing that soaked into their skin at camp.  I have even overheard them reminding each other of the challenges they overcame at Langskib. And so again, I thank you for all the work you are doing-this is so what our children and the children of the future need.”

Judith M (mom of Makima and Taeven, participants 2007-2011)


“Arik’s experiences with Langskib and Temagami have anchored his sense of self and given wings to his dreams and aspirations! I have such deep gratitude and respect for what this program nurtures and unfolds for these young people! It was a dream of mine, as well,that Arik be able to experience the sanctuary of the wild Temagami … it has served us both so well! Venturing North to see him come in from a trip … it has been the high-point of my summers!”

Lezlie D (Arik’s mom, participant 2006-2011)

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